A collection of on-line resources, ordered alphabetically. Click an item to see its details, or drag it into the right-hand area. Search terms can be separated by commas to perform an "or" search.
インライン リソースのコレクション。アイテムをクリックして詳細を表示するか、右側の領域にドラッグします。検索語はカンマで区切って「または」検索を実行できます。
Submissions: fill out this form and click "generate", then email the resulting code to contact@zerodimensional.group, enter it as a new issue on this project's GitHub issues page or use it as a basis for a pull request (add the generated code to items.js).
Note that back-slashes will be escaped, appearing as a double back-slash.
Click on an item, or drag it into this box, to see its details. アイテムをクリックするか、このボックスにドラッグして詳細を表示します。